
Please be sure to include your World Service Office group number with all of you donations.

Send ASDI Intergroup contributions to:

Arizona Serenity in the Desert Intergroup
P.O. Box 47565
Phoenix, AZ 85068-7565

Send Region 3 contributions to:

Region 3 OA Treasurer
P.O. Box 310290
New Braunfels, TX 78131
Attn: Elaine Lang

Send World Service contributions to:

World Service Office
P.O. Box 44020
Rio Rancho, NM 87174
Attn: Controller

How often should I distribute excess funds to other service bodies and WSO?

From the website…
Your group should decide this, keeping in mind their prudent reserve requirement. Many groups have chosen to send donations quarterly. Often, donations are split using a 60/30/10 formula, with 60% of contributions to Intergroup/ Service Board, 30% to WSO, and 10% to Region. As with frequency of contributions, this is a matter for your group conscience.