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Call: (602) 234-1195
Staffed by Volunteers​

Newcomer Welcome

Welcome to the Arizona Serenity in the Desert Intergroup (ASDI)!

We are a collection of Overeaters Anonymous (OA) meetings throughout Central and Northern Arizona. A list of our meetings is HERE.

Welcome to our 12-step program of recovery from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors! If you think you may be one of us, we suggest that you attend 6 different meetings before you decide if OA is right for you. Newcomers are welcome and encouraged to attend any of our meetings. OA is NOT a religious program but a spiritual one.

We use the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous along with many OA books and pamphlets. OA has adapted AA’s 12 steps by substituting the words food and compulsive overeaters for alcohol and alcoholics in the steps.

We have 2 face-to-face Newcomer Meetings every week! OA members are available to answer questions and explain the program during these meetings. Tuesdays, 9:45 – 10:00 am and Saturdays, 10:30 – 11:00 am. Both of these Newcomer Meetings are in person at the OA Office, 1219 E Glendale Avenue #23 in Phoenix. They are both followed by a one hour long regular OA meeting.

A sponsor will guide you through the 12 steps and assist you on working your program and achieving recovery. To find a sponsor please look for someone that has something you want and ask if they would be your sponsor. We urge you to get a sponsor as soon as possible. It is a “we” program.

Along with AA’s Big Book, OA has other literature. You may purchase books and pamphlets at our OA Office on 1219 E Glendale Avenue #23 during face-to-face meetings or at www.oa.org under the Bookstore link.

Our 7th tradition tells us we must be self-supporting through our own contributions.We accept no outside contributions and chip in to cover our expenses and that of sharing our message with other compulsive eaters.More information about making a 7th tradition contribution can be found at www.oaphoenix.org.

Additional information about our international program of recovery from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors can be found at www.oa.org.

Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous! Welcome home!